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Discreet, self-taught and experimental artist, born in Mallorca, Spain (2003)

The painting of Puerto Fullana, is considered part of the artistic heritage, of the Joan Miró´s foundation and the Balearic University.


She Attended technique art classes with the architect  J. Mestre, a high capacity drawing course with Ricard Chiang (2013) (Palma Cathedral Vitrals) and drawing techniques with Carmen Cañadas (2014 - 2015).

At a very young age she attended the University LADAT-UIB campus, an international reference in 3D Motion technologies.

2019 MPF won the Excellence Academic Performance Award of the Balearic Islands.

2020 MPF is in the Ranking of The TOP40 Best Excellence Academic Profile in Spain, held by the prestigious Endesa foundation.


2021-26 MPF is studying architecture at a reference university.


At the age of 4


Maria was impressed during a school visit to Joan Miró´s foundation in 2008.

At the age of 5


She started her technical formation to enjoy painting and received her first local painting awards, in the Balearic Islands. 

At the age of 9


Maria Puerto Fullana, won her first  international art award and show her art in an exhibition, in the Nanhai Cultural Art Center Taiwan

At the age of 10

Maria showed her first Solo Art exhibition: "Hidden Temptations"

Her family invested their savings to set up her own art studio to develop her 

artistic virtues freely.


At the age of 11


Maria certified the intellectual rights, of all her paintings


At the age of 12


She designed the logo of an important NGO and donated  its rights.

Her paintings arrived to Argentina (Ushuaia).

At the age of 13


MPF is the youngest artist, in the second bigger  International art fair, in Spain.

Later on, her painting is awarded in Russia.


At the age of 14


Maria´s painting competed in Taiwan TNMOFA.

She traveled to Italy invited for the international art awards, in the Palazzo Velli of Rome... weeks later that painting was also shown in the United States, during the Armory Artweeks New York 2018.


At the age of 15  


MFP's winner artwork is considered as the artistic heritage of the Joan Miró´s Foundation and the Balearic University.


At the age of 16 

Her paintings could be seen in 3 continents at the same time.

Maria is awarded personally by the Ambassador of the Czech Republic.

and showed her original painting in the Vatican Palace.

One of her last paintings is considered, in a professional level, as the best artwork of the day in New York.

At the age of 17


The primary School of Esporles considered Maria a reference to follow and studied her life and held a marvellous art exhibition based on her paintings. 


At the age of 18

She dedicates mainly to university technical training in Architecture.


During this time her effort exceeded expectations... 

Her artworks were recognized worldwide by art jurors with 22 International art distinctions, 1 national drawing award,  1 institutional prize in her homeland, reaching world art competitions, in 28 countries, as well as, more than 60 Art exhibitions20 of them, in the city of Rome. 

During 2019-20 her paintings also were shown simultaneously in 3 continents (Spain, Switzerland/USA, Japan, and Italy)


Exclusive painting collections of MPF, carried out, during this time and copyrights, are certified and belongs exclusively to the artist. 

A very limited part of MPF's original and exclusive artistic heritage could be open to valuation only for the best exhibition or adquisition proposals from art lovers, or philanthropists.



"Best artwork of the day" and selected in the TOP-5 "Inspiration by isolation" New York Art Competitions 2020 Agora Gallery (U.S.A.)


"Kanagawa Prize" in the 20th Kanagawa Biennial World Art contest 2019 (Kanagawa-Japan) competing 27.599 artworks from 92 countries


"Honorable Mention Award" in the 26th IENOHIKARI World Art Contest 2019 (Tokyo-Japan) competing 18.146 artworks from 76 countries.


"Bronze Award" The 48th ICAE World PENTEL 2018

-Biiku Bunka Kyokai-Japanese Art foundation- (competing 61.950 artworks from 45 countries) Tokyo-Japan


"Honorable Mention Award" in the 25th IENOHIKARI World Art Contest 2018 (Tokyo - Japan)competing 19.173 artworks from 82 countries. 


"Gold Award" in the 47th ICAE  World PENTEL 2017Japanese art foundation  (Tokyo - Japan) competing a total of 120.000 artworks from 40 countries.


"Distinction Award" in the 19th Biennial ICAE Art World Kanagawa 2017  (Kanagawa-Japan) competing 24.572 artworks from 87 countries.


"Honorable Mention"  in the 24th  IE-NOHIKARI ICAE World Art Contest 2017 competing 19.987entries from 85 countries    (Tokyo-Japan)


"Bronze Award" in the 46th ICAE World PENTEL 2016 Japanese Art Foundation (Tokyo-Japan) competing a total of  100.000 entries

 Juror: Biiku Bunka Kyokai (Japanese Art Foundation)


"Third Place -Bronze Award" in the 8th ICAE "Anton Checkhov"

 (Taganrog-Russia) 2016


"Gold Prize" in the World drawing competition -Cultural Ministery of Egypt- (Giza-Egypt) 2016


"Honorable Mention" in the 6th ICAE Art Muzeul Golesti 2016

(Romania) competing 1.880 paintings

"Honorable Mention" in the 44th Lidice CEFA 2016 (Lidice - Czech Republic) 
competing 18.075 art works from 77 countries 2016

"Honorable Mention" in IENoHikari The 23rd World Children Art Contest 2015 (Tokyo - Japan)  
competing with 26.288 art works from 77 countries 2016


"Excellence Award" in the 7th Tianjin International children Art Competition, (Tianjin - China)

competing 1.880 art works from more than 40 countries. 2015

"Honorable Mention" in the 22nd World children art contest IE-NOHIKARI 2015 (Tokyo-Japan) 

competing with 23.868 art works entries from 83 countries.


"Distinction award" in the 18th Kanagawa Biennial World ICAE (Yokohama-Japan) competing with 26.472 art works from 95 countries.


"Honorable Mention" in the 43rd ICEFA 2015, (Lidice - Czeck Republic) 

competing with 21.380 art works from 71 countries.


"Selection Award"  The 45th World Children Art contest Taiwan 2014 (Taipei -Taiwan)

"Supportive Award"  World Competition for children´s drawings Bansko (Bulgary) competing with 7.000 art works from 50 countries. 

"Silver Award" The 21st ICAE World Children art Contest IENOHIKARI 2014 (Tokyo-Japan) competing 25.544 art works from 69 countries


"Bronze Award" The 44th World Children Art Contest Taiwan 2013 (Taipei-Taiwan) competing more than 30.000 art works/89 countries.





- Winner of the 5th Edición litográfica de Universitat Illes Balears 2019 (UIB - Fundación Pilar y Joan Miró)  (Islas Baleares - España) Institutional Prize

   (Part of the prize was donated to "Save the Children")


- Finalist DISELLO 2019 Concurso Nacional de diseño de Filatelia del Estado -España-

- 2º National Award Toyota 2014 (Madrid - España)




DUBAI ARTBOXY Dubai United Arab Emirates ANDAKULOVA GALLERY 1-31 Dic-2023

ALEMANIA ARTBOXY Berlin Nicolleta Gallery Berlin 1-31Dic 2023 

ESTADOS UNIDOS Artboxy U.S.A. Miami Artweeks -Wynwood gallery- 6-10 Dic 2023

SUIZA Artbox Project Basel 2.0 ArtBasel Artweek 15-18/06/2023


ESTADOS UNIDOS Artbox Project New York 2.0 17-26 Abril 2023


ESPAÑA Artbox Project Palma 2022 24-Oct - 5 Nov 2022

SUIZA Artbox Project Zurich 4.0 SWISS ART EXPO 2022 24-28-08-2022

VENECIA Artbox Biennale de Venezia 1.0  1-31/05/2022

SUIZA Artbox Project World 2.0 Galeria UrbanSide Zurich 1/02-4/03-2022

SUIZA Artbox Project Zurich 3.0  Swissart expo 2021  24-29 august 2021

SUIZA Artbox Project World 1.0 Zurich Galeria Principal Artbox  04/01 - 31/03 2021


ESPAÑA Artbox Project Barcelona -Galeria Arte metropole- 15-19 Oct 2021


SUIZA SwissArtExpo 2020 - Artbox Project 2.0  Zurich 20-24 August 2020


ESTADOS UNIDOS  "Inspiration by Isolation" MPF seleccionada "Mejor Obra de arte del día en New York Art Competitions" 9th april 2020


ESTADOS UNIDOS  Artbox Project MIAMI 2.0 Art Basel Miami Art Week- Wynwood Gallery-  2-8 December 2019

ITALIA  Exposizione Internazionale contemporanea Chrismast Art  14 dec-2019 - 7 jan 2020


VATICANO Premios Internacionales de Arte Contemporáneo

Palacio Vaticano 2019   Nov-2019


ITALIA  Semana del arte de Roma ROME ART WEEK 2019

Exposición Off-Line -Biblioteca Angelica-Roma-21-26 Oct-2019


SUIZA  Artbox Gallery Zurich  1-30 sept & 1-30 nov-2019

SUIZA SWISSART EXPO 2019 -Artbox project Zurich 1.0  15-19-august-2019 

JAPÓN Exhibición Mundial Gallery of Earth Plaza Kanagawa -Yokohama

(1 obra)  (5th July-25th August 2019)


JAPÓN Tour Itinerante Instituciones Culturales Prefectura de Kanagawa-Yokohama  (Sept-2019-May-2020)


ITALIA Art exhibition Arte Borgo Gallery   january 2019/20    -Borgo Vittorio, 25 -00193 -ROMA-

ITALIA International Art Exhibition and Festival Heart 2019 Embajada de República Árabe de Egipto- Roma 11-18 junio 2019


ITALIA International Art exhibition and prize of contemporary art Roma

"Nothing but art" 2019-Palazzo velli- 4-9 may 2019  

ITALIA "Timeless mood" International art exhibition -Micro arte visive-23 feb-01-mar 2019

ITALIA CHARISMA mostre d´arte 2019 (Arte Borgo Gallery) ROMA- 26 jan- 08 feb 2019

ITALIA Exposizioni Internazionale Contemporanei Arte Borgo Gallery Jan-2019

ITALIA Odissea nell´arte VII Edizione 2018 nominated artist

Museo Virtuale independente di Roma Grifio Art Gallery Roma dic 2018

VATICANO  Premios Internacionales de Arte Contemporáneo "Stay on art" Palacio del Vaticano -artista nominada- 24-28/11/2018

ITALIA "Art Workers"  RAW  -Rome Art Week 2018- Oct-2018 

Biblioteca Angelica -Roma -Arte Borgo Gallery-

ITALIA "Art Attraction 2018" Art Expo MUVI Roma Dic-2018

ITALIA Web Art Expo, MPF nominated to "Art Master 2018" Dic 2018

ITALIA  Museo Crocetti  "The Soul, the color, the materia" Roma  Sep 2018 

ITALIA "Contemporary Emotions" Int. Art Exhibition Arte Borgo Gallery- Sept-2018

ITALIA Art Exhibition Galeria Arte Borgo de  Roma 2018-20

ITALIA Expo Virtual  "Mostra d´arte" 5ª Edizione" in Museo Independente Virtuale di Roma -MUVI-

ITALIA Nominación a Emotional Artist 2018 Exposición Grifio Art Gallery  & Asoziacione culturale di Roma  Julio 2018

ESTADOS UNIDOS "Semanas del arte Arsenal NY" "Sottomarino Azul-Grana" Artbox Project New York 1.0. 2018

ITALIA     Exposición Internacional "Nothing but art"  1 painting Sottomarino blaugrana  Roma, ArteBorgo ITALIA 2017

ESPAÑA  Digital Expo "Sottomarino"  Málaga International Art Fair 2017

JAPÓN    Exposición Trienal Internacional "Hida Contemporary art wood printing" Hida-Japón 1 painting 2017-18


ESPAÑA  Exposición  "Explosions" Barcelona Guest artist 2016   22 paintings


ARGENTINA Exposición "Antártica Cuadrado" Ushuaia. 3 paintings 2016


ESPAÑA Solo Expo "FLUOR 2" Guest artist in Music Art 2015  Palma


ESPAÑA Solo Expo  "FLUOR"   2014  Esporles 18 paintings


ESPAÑA Solo Expo "Hidden temptations" Esporles 2013   18 paintings


TAIWAN Exposición en Galeria Nan Hai of Taipei -Taiwan- 2012 1 obra premiada



ESPAÑA  "Abstracciones Mediterráneas" Tour (17 artistas) Nov23 - Dic24 link


ESPAÑA "Estatut" art exhibition 59 selected artists -Mallorca´s kingdom art showroom- 30/03-23/04/2023


ESPAÑA Collective expo "Extintion" in Fundación Sa Nostra 2022

ESPAÑA National tour Collective art exhibition "El nostre camp" 2021-22

ESPAÑA Tour around Spain collective art exhibition "Ants" 2020-2023


ESPAÑA National Tour Collective expo "El arte de la tabla periódica"  2019-2023


ESPAÑA Art Exhibition Sociedad Estatal de Correos y Telégrafos España -2020-


ESPAÑA  Nit del art 2019 Expo"L´art de la taula periòdica"  C.Cultural Fundación Sa Nostra- Palma de Mallorca 21 Sept-18 Oct 2019


ESPAÑA Exclusive premiere of "Elements in black"  in the Oficial act of commemorative 150th  anniversary of the periodic table-  históric building Can Oleo - Palma de Mallorca -  2019

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